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Synthesis of news related to Gruma October 2021
October 2
GRUMA’S JUAN GONZÁLEZ MORENO IS LISTED AMONG THE TOP 100 BUSINESS LEADERS IN MEXICO. (EXCÉLSIOR ONLINE 0) (SDP NOTICIAS.COM ONLINE 0) (TRENDING TOPICS.MX ONLINE 0) Gruma President and CEO Juan González Moreno moved up four positions to #20 in the latest publication of “The Top 100 Business Leaders in Mexico” 2021 ranking, reflecting hisbusiness vision and strategy,and the positive results that Gruma has obtained under his direction, especially in a challenging year when we are beginning to see signs of economic recovery after the health emergency caused by COVID-19.
October 7
JON BENJAMIN: MEXICO-U.K. RELATIONS(ASÍ AMANECE) In an interview, Jon Benjamin, the United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Mexico, spoke about the relations between the two countries, indicating that they are about to begin negotiating a new trade agreement. He spoke about the commitment made by British companies to fight climate change and the conversations held with large and small Mexican companies, many of which have joined the campaign, such as Grupo Bimbo, Cemex, which have a presence in the United Kingdom, and Gruma.
CALL TO JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST MALNUTRITION. (EL NORTE ONLINE (NUEVO LEÓN) 0) (REFORMA ONLINE 0) Under the slogan “We all eat,” the Zero Hunger strategy in the state of Nuevo León will engage in different activities citizens can join to participate in the fight against malnutrition. Participating companies include Gruma,Nestlé, Lala, Bimbo, Arca, Herdez, Ragasa, Verde Valle, Unilever, SC Johnson, Ocejo, and Generic Brands.
October 9
MEXICO, THREE YEARS AFTER THE OFFICIAL CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL CORN DAY. (MILENIO ONLINE 0) September 29 marked three years since the Mexican Congress declared this day as National Corn Day to rescue Mexico’s top grain, a food product that symbolizes our culture. Part of the celebrations include the completion of pending tasks, such as protecting and driving the production of corn species native to Mexico, with companies like Gruma—a world leader in the production of nixtamalized corn flour, tortillas and wraps that uses this cereal as one of its main inputs—working in coordination with the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER). It is important to note that in 2019, this Mexican company joined forces with SADER to implement a program to benefit farmers in the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero and Puebla to help them improve their income.
October 11
CORPORATE MINUTE BY ROBERTO AGUILAR. (EL SOL DE MÉXICO 18) BMV (the Mexican Stock Exchange). How are the quarterly reports shaping up? Although various indicators confirm that the economic recovery is slowing down, most Mexican issuers are preparing to announce positive Q3 results. Given this perspective, Actinver’s Stock Analysis Department suggested considering the inclusion of defensive shares in their portfolio that still offer attractive discounts, such as Gruma and Bachoco. The issuers that will continue to capitalize on the reopening of the economy include Alsea, Femsa and Alfa, while those benefiting from rising interest rates include Banco del Bajío.
October 15
COMPANIES DONATE MORE THAN $62,000 IN PRODUCTS TO THE COSTA RICA FOOD BANK. (PERIÓDICO DIGITAL.MX ONLINE 0) Costa Rica. Thousands of people at risk because their financial situation was seriously affected by the COVID-19 health crisis will now receive help from Costa Rica’s Food Bank. We are talking about the Collective Impact for Food initiative, promoted by Walmart for the second year running with its business partners. Dos Pinos, Gruma, Essity, Jack’s, Distribuidora Alpiste, FEMSA, Nestlé, Disal, Bimbo, Mondaisa, Mondelez Internacional, CACSA, Distribuidora Lucema, Alimentos Pro Salud, Kellogg’s, Pozuelo, Distribuidora Isleña de Alimentos, and Walmart México y Centroamérica donated products as part of the World Food Day celebrations.
October 18
GRUMA’S MASECA MOBILE TORTILLA-PRODUCTION UNIT SUPPORTS FAMILIES IN NAYARIT AFFECTED BY HURRICANE PAMELA(MILENIO NOTICIAS (06:00 TO 12:00) Rodrigo Rico: Gruma contributed its grain of flour [play on words[ to Hurricane Pamela victims in Nayarit by sending a Maseca Tortimóvil (mobile tortilla-production unit) from the Tecoala DIF that is producing 200 kilograms of fresh tortillas daily for breakfast and lunch for the hurricane victims in Nayarit, which are delivered to families in their homes in coordination with local authorities.
October 21
RECORD TORTILLA SALES. (EXCÉLSIOR 1-3) (EL FINANCIERO 22) (EL ECONOMISTA 25) (24 HORAS 17) (EL SOL DE MÉXICO 22) (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO 20) (EL HORIZONTE) (EL NORTE) (EL DÍA 5) Gruma reported that tortillas are selling at record highs both in the United States and Europe, which allowed it to maintain stable results during Q321, despite inflation and rising raw material prices worldwide. “The company identified a positive evolution of the tortilla retail channel in both the United States and Europe, and after seeing the ground its products have gained in the preference of consumers in Asia and Oceania, these regions have become a great business opportunity they have been capitalizing on effectively,” announced the company in its quarterly report. Gruma said that it maintains growth expectations comparable to COVID-19 pre-pandemic levels.
ALICIA SALGADO / CHECKING ACCOUNT. (EXCÉLSIOR 1-5) (DINERO EN IMAGEN.COM) Funding and the Reasoning Behind It. (Play on words) #Gruma… At the end of Q321, Gruma sales from operations outside Mexico represented 74% of the multinational’s total sales, which explains the allocation of USD 110 million in investments to expand its operations in the United States and Europe, where the pandemic reinforced the consumption of corn flour tortillas. It was interesting to note the short data release on the issuer’s performance since its net sales grew over 19% with a 13% net profit increase compared to Q319, despite the 61% corn price hike.Grumais expanding its distribution network in Mexico.
CORPORATE ECONOMIC BLOCK(ENFOQUE FINANCIERO) Isaí Morales: In Q321,Gruma reported MXN 3.694 billion in cash operating flows, representing a 12-point increase compared to pre-pandemic levels. Meanwhile, the company’s net profit also grew 13.4% to stand at MXN 1.468 billion.
HERALDO MEDIA GROUP (BITÁCORA DE NEGOCIO)Jesús Espinosa: At the end of Q321, Gruma's net sales were up 2% compared to the same period in 2020, to stand at MXN 23.903 billion. Without the exchange rate effect, Gruma’s net sales would have grown 9%.
October 22
MEXICAN COMPANY GRUMA ANNOUNCED IMPROVED SALES IN Q321. (TELEDIARIO ONLINE) From July to August this year, Mexican companyGrumareported MXN 23.903 billion in net sales, representing a 2% increase compared to the same period last year. According to its financial report sent to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), the company reported a positive trend in the tortilla retail channel in the United States and Europe, as forecasted for the year’s second quarter. Sales outside of Mexico represented 74% of its company’s consolidated results.
FINANCE (ENFOQUE (MATUTINO) Ernesto Gloria: Gruma released its quarterly report, where it announced that it continues to consolidate its operations in the United States, Europe, Asia and Oceania. In Europe, its sales grew 16%, and overall, the company’s net sales were up 2% in the third quarter, compared to the same period last year.
FINANCIAL MARKETS (EN LOS TIEMPOS DE LA RADIO) Alfredo Huerta: In terms of corporate results,Gruma operations outside of Mexico reported sales representing 74% of the total with 76% operating cash flows. It maintains a Net Debt/EBITDA ratio of 1.6x. It reported close to 1.8% in higher earnings and a 6.6% drop in its operating cash flow due to the higher cost of corn and other raw materials.
October 24
GRUMA RESULTS DRIVEN BY HIGHER DEMAND FOR TORTILLAS WORLDWIDE. (MILENIO ONLINE 0) The Mexican company Gruma ,aworld leader in the production of nixtamalized corn flour, tortillas and wraps, reported an increase in its net sales at the end of Q3 this year, driven by higher demand for tortillas worldwide. The increased demand for Gruma’s tortilla products is line with the innovations that the company has implemented worldwide to meet the needs of its consumers. Proof of this is that Gruma launched two new product lines through Mission Foods in mid-September, to meet the needs of consumers looking to consume healthy food products without sacrificing taste.
October 31
SOUND EXPECTATIONS FOR GRUMA IN THE UNITED STATES. (MILENIO ONLINE 0) Mexican company Gruma continues to consolidate its presence in the United States, its main market outside of Mexico, where it expects to see favorable results in the coming months, linked to an increase in consumer demand and a greater supply of products as part of its strategy created to meet the needs of the population... However, this is not the case of Gruma,a world leader in the production of corn flour, tortillas and wraps, since, at the end of Q321, the company reported a 4.2% increase in its sales volume, to stand at 388,000 metric tons, driven by higher demand from customers in the industrial and retail sectors, as the economy continues to reopen and some prepare for a high online sales season within their own business cycles.
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